Archive for July 2012
Sebenarnya kita dapat membuat dan menambahkan Text karaoke untuk lagu dalam video musik itu sendiri, misalnya dengan membuat dan menambah subtitle yang pernah kita bahas di sini. Akan tetapi, membuat serta menambah subtitle dengan cara seperti yang dibahas di situ masih menggunakan system terpisah antara file Video dan File subtitlenya, sehingga kalau file video musik dicopy di tempat lain dengan tanpa menyertakan file subtitle, tayangan video musik tersebut tidak akan disertai text lagu atau text dialog dalam tampilannya. Kerena itu sangat perlu bagi kita untuk bisa membuat kemudian menambahkan sendiri text karaoke pada video musik itu.
Pada kesempatan ini kita akan membicarakan cara membuat dan menambah text karaoke dalam video music, yang mana text karaoke untuk musik tersebut dibuat menyatu dengan file video. Sehingga jika video musik itu dicopy di tempat lain, text lagu atau text karaoke dari video tersebut tetap akan ikut serta tercopy bersama file video. Atau lebih tepatnya kita akan mencoba membuat dan menambah text karaoke pada video musik secara permanen.
Terlalu panjang ya mukadimahnya. Kalau begitu langsung saja dimulai pembahasan kita. BTW, tolong dikoreksi kalau ada yang terselip atau kurang lengkap dalam tulisan ini. Maklum penulis tergolong manusia gaptek!
Tahap pertama adalah tahap persiapan. Dalam tahap persiapan ini anda harus menyiapkan bahan-bahannya. Bahan-bahan yang harus disiapkan untuk membuat dan menambah text karaoke pada video musik adalah antara lain:
1. Video musik (yang belum ada text karaoke nya), dan text lyric lagu sehingga kita nanti tinggal copy paste
2. Beberapa software yang mendukung.
Kita mulai dari persiapan pertama yaitu mempersiapkan Video musik yang akan kita gunakan untuk bahan praktik. Video musik yang mana kita akan menambah dan membuat text karaoke di dalamnya harus berekstensi AVI (ma’af ini hanya sepengetahuan penulis saja, dan tolong diingatkan kalau keliru). Adapun Video musik semacam itu dapat anda cari dan download dari youtube, kemudian diubah agar menjadi ekstensi AVI. Adapun cara mengubah ekstensi dapat anda baca di sini. Sedangkan lyric lagu dari video musik itu dapat anda ketik sendiri atau search lewat google dengan kata kunci lyric lagu (sebutkan judul lagunya). Atau biar tidak repot mencari bahan, kami telah mempersiapkan sebuah video musik dengan ekstensi AVI yang berjudul “don’t forget to remember me” beserta lyric lagunya yang dapat anda download di sini.
Setelah video musik tersedia, selanjutnya siapkan sarana prasarananya yaitu pengadaan software-software berikut ini:
- audacity-win-1.2.6.exe
- SSAinstall.exe
- VirtualDub-1.9.10
Software-software tersebut dapat anda cari di internet melalui Googling dengan kata kunci masing-masing nama software. Namun demikian, Jika anda malas mencari software tersebut melalui Googling, tiga software itu dapat diunduh semua di sini gratis. Tiga software dari alamat yang kami kasih linknya itu sudah terbungkus dalam sebuah file yang bernama “SOFTWARE BUAT TEXT KARAOKE.rar”. Setelah didownload, extract dulu file tersebut ke dalam sebuah folder. Dari situ anda akan mendapatkan tiga buah files yang mana files “audacity-win-1.2.6.exe dan SSAinstall.exe” harus diinstall di computer anda, sedangkan file “VirtualDub-1.9.10” cukup diextract saja tanpa instal.
Setelah tahap persiapan dirasa cukup langkah kedua adalah praktik membuat dan menambah text karaoke kedalam video musik yang telah kita siapkan. Terdapat beberapa langkah untuk membuat dan menambah text karaoke tersebut.
1. Membuat dari Video yang berekstensi “avi” menjadi ekstensi “wav”.
Caranya sebagai berikut:
Jalankan program VirtualDub dengan klik ganda pada file VirtualDub.exe yang terdapat didalam folder dimana anda melakukan extract “VirtualDub-1.9.10” tadi. Maka akan tampil layar seperti gambar di bawah ini:

Buka video yang sudah anda siapkan, misalnya nama file video anda adalah “Don t Forget remember.avi”, dengan klik File > Open video file… > cari video dengan nama di atas > Open. Jika muncul peringatan klik saja OK.
Video musik akan terbuka dengan menampilkan dua layar. Simpan lagi video itu dengan ekstensi wav dengan cara klik menu File > Save WAV… > maka anda akan diberi nama File baru dengan ekstensiwav, yaitu “Don t Forget remember.wav”. Taruh File baru itu ke dalam folder yang sama dengan File sebelumnya, kemudian klik Save. Lihat gambar:

Sekarang anda telah mempunyai dua File video dengan nama yang sama tapi beda ekstensi. Yang satu dengan ekstensi AVI sedangkan yang lain berekstensi WAV. Sampai disini anda dapat menutup dulu program VirtualDub, selanjutnya anda harus membuat File dari video anda yang baru itu, Don t Forget remember.wav, menjadi Mono. Caranya ikuti langkah berikutnya.
2. Membuat dari Video Stereo musik menjadi musik Mono
Jalankan program Audacity yang sudah anda install di computer. Buka Video musik anda yang bernama“Don t Forget remember.wav” dengan klik File > Open > cari video anda tersebut, dan klik Open. Dari sini langkah-langkah proses membuat Video musik stereo ke Mono dimulai, yaitu dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
Perhatikan gambar ini.

Untuk membuat atau mengubah File Video menjadi Mono, langkah pertama Klik pada tanda segi tiga yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar di atas. Pilih Split Stereo track, maka akan tampil dua Track seperti gambar di bawah ini:

Tutup salah satu Track dengan Klik tanda X di salah satu dari dua track itu. Maka satu track tertutup dan tinggal satu track yang tersisa. Klik tanda segi tiga sekali lagi dan pilih “Mono”. Selanjutnya KlikProject rate yang berada di pojok kiri bawah, dan pilih angka 11025 Hz. Perhatikan gambar:

Langkah berikutnya klik menu Edit dan pilih Preferences…, maka akan muncul kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini:

Lakukan perubahan seperti pada gambar, yaitu pada uncompressed Export Format menjadi “WAV (Microsoft 8 bit PCM)” dan klik OK.
Terakhir simpan perubahan yang dilakukan di atas dengan cara Klik File > pilih Export As WAV… . Tunggu sebentar sampai kotak dialog perubahan nama tampil. Ubah nama File Video menjadi “Don t Forget remember1.wav”, selanjutnya klik Save. Sampai di sini anda telah mempunyai tiga buah Files Video musik dengan nama masing-masing :
- Don t Forget remember.avi
- Don t Forget remember.wav
- Don t Forget remember1.wav
Setelah proses membuat atau merubah video stereo menjadi video Mono selesai, anda bisa menutup program Audacity. Kemudian lakukan prosesi berikutnya.
3. Memasukkan text Lyric lagu
Untuk memasukkan Text lyric lagu, lakukan langkah-langkah berikut:
Jalankan program Sub Station Alpha v4.08 yang sudah anda install di computer anda. Klik menuTiming dan beri tanda contreng pada “Karaoke Mode” dan “Time From WAV File”. Lihat gambar:

Klik Open dan cari Video mono berekstensi wav yang terakhir, yaitu “Don t Forget remember1.wav”. Ketik atau copy paste text lyric lagu bait demi bait kedalam kotak yang disediakan. Proses memasukkan text lagu harus dilakukan satu per satu dimulai dari baris paling awal. Langkah-langkah memasukkan text lagu adalah; arahkan pointer mouse anda dan klik pada baris pertama, kemudian masukkan text bait pertama dari lagu itu di dalam kotak yang disediakan dan klik Reset karaoke. Text lagu yang anda masukkan akan berubah seperti terlihat di gambar. Untuk memasukkan text lagu bait ke dua dan seterusnya juga sama seperti ketika memasukkan text lagu bait pertama. Lihat gambar di bawah ini:

4. Begitu selesai memasukkan text lagu, pekerjaan selanjutnya adalah mengatur tampilnya text tiap bait untuk disesuaikan dengan terdengarnya alunan vocal tiap bait dalam video. Adapun langkah-langkah pengaturan harus dilakukan per bait atau baris, yaitu dengan cara:
- pilih baris pertama
- Klik Play, maka tombol Play akan berubah menjadi Stop, dengarkan dengan seksama. Jika vocal untuk bait pertama mulai terdengar klik stop. Atur dengan klik pada tombol Play selected. Geser pita kuning dan merah dengan menekan tombol segitiga hingga memuaskan. Jika pengaturan untuk bait pertama sudah memuaskan, maka anda harus klik secara berurutan Grab Times baru kemudian Reset Karaoke.
Selanjutnya pindahkan untuk mengatur baris ke dua dan seterusnya dengan cara yang sama yaitu tekan tombol Play hingga terdengar Vokal untuk bait ke dua dan seterusnya hingga bait terakhir. Lihat gambar di bawah ini mungkin bisa membantu:

Jika pengaturan seluruh bait atau baris selesai, akan terlihat seperti gambar di bawah ini.

5. Tahap berikutnya adalah mengatur Font serta tempat tampilnya text di dalam tayangan video. Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:
- Klik Style > pilih Define… sehingga muncul kotak dialog. Dari kotak dialog yang muncul itu klik Editguna membuka kotak dialog seperti gambar di bawah ini:

Klik Select untuk mengatur besar kecilnya huruf serta model huruf. Font 48 sepertinya ideal. Primarydan secondary untuk mengatur warna huruf. Vertical sebaiknya diisi antara 60 sampai 70 agar tampilnya text tidak terlalu ke bawah. Setelah selesai mengatur Font klik OK. Dengan demikian ritual memasukkan text lagu serta pengaturan Font selesai. Simpan dengan klik menu File kemudian pilihsave as. Tuliskan judul untuk File baru anda dan klik OK. Maka akan tercipta sebuah File baru dengan ekstensi ssa. Lihat gambar:

Dengan selesainya tahap ini anda telah mempunyai empat buah Files, antara lain:
- Don t Forget remember.avi
- Don t Forget remember.wav
- Don t Forget remember1.wav
- Don t forget.ssa
Sampai di sini program Sub Station Alpha bisa ditutup.
6. Penggabungan Text Karaoke ke dalam File video musik.
Jalankan program VirtualDub untuk yang ke dua kali. Buka lagi Video musik “Don t Forget remember.avi” dengan menggunakan program itu. Selanjutnya lakukan seperti urutan berikut ini:
- Klik menu Video > pilih Full processing mode.
- Klik menu Audio> pilih Full processing mode.
- Klik menu Video lagi > pilih Filters… hingga muncul sebuah kotak dialog.
- Dari kotak dialog itu klik Add… > Load… > cari File Subtitler.vdf yang terdapat di dalam folder di mana extract VirtualDub-1.9.10 dilakukan, kemudian klik Open. Lihat gambar ini:

Dari kotak dialog seperti gambar di atas pilih subtitler dan kemudian klik OK, maka berikutnya muncul kotak dialog seperti ini.

Dari kotak dialog itu cari dan buka file video yang anda beri nama “don t forget.ssa” dengan klik … . selanjutnya klik Show preview. Maka akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini. Untuk menampilkan gambar video, geser dengan mouse computer anda.

Jika dirasa cukup bagus klik OK. Selanjutnya simpan dengan cara klik File > save as AVI… > beri nama yang berbeda dengan nama File video sebelumnya agar File video yang lama tidak hilang, terakhir klik save. Tunggu Proses penyimpanan hingga selesai. Dengan selesainya proses ini, anda telah memiliki lima buah files yaitu:
- Don t Forget remember.avi (bahan persiapan)
- Don t Forget remember.wav (hasil perubahan ekstensi)
- Don t Forget remember1.wav (hasil perubahan ke Mono)
- Don t forget.ssa (berisi text karaoke)
- Video terakhir.avi (hasil akhir, tapi ukurannya masih sangat besar)
Jika dari tampilan Preview masih dirasa kurang memuaskan, anda bisa melakukan edit dengan membuka File “don t forget.ssa”. Jangan lupa untuk menyimpan (save) tiap kali anda melakukan edit pada File ssa anda.
Sekarang Video musik dengan text karaoke di dalamnya dapat anda nikmati. Coba lihat hasilnya dengan menjalankan Video anda yang terakhir (yang baru saja anda simpan), yang mana video terakhir anda telah dilengkapi text karaoke buatan anda sendiri. Kalau anda perhatikan ukuran video terakhir milik anda akan lebih dari satu Gigabit. Anda tidak perlu kawatir dengan ukuran sebesar itu. Ubah atau lakukan konversi ekstensi video itu ke ekstensi yang sama yaitu AVI dengan menggunakan program You tube downloder, maka ukuran video anda akan menjadi berukuran normal lagi.
Demikian cara membuat dan menambah text karaoke pada video musik. Semoga bermanfaat. Salam!
Guide for adding a subtitle on a Blu-Ray Disc keeping the original menu
Guide for adding a subtitle on a Blu-Ray Disc keeping the original menu and its functions
Necessary software and codecs:
Before installing these codecs, uninstall all codecs that you may have installed on your computer.
ffdshow + haali
For Windows 7 users: Preferred Filter Tweaker for Windows 7 - it's free and straight forward
Always take the latest version.
1. tsMuxer GUI - free
2. ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 Platinum or PowerDVD 9 - not free
3. BDInfo - free
4. Bluray.bat - free It's a file that will make the BD structure compatible for creating the .iso file, so the file can be played with PowerDVD.
5. ImgBurn - free
6. Clown BD - free ( Only for BD's with video split across multiple *.m2ts files )
7. BDEdit - free
Choose a partition with at least 100 GB free. Create a folder called "Workspace". In this folder, create other two folders, called "Original" and "Remuxed". In the folder called "Original" copy the original disc, the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders. The "Remuxed" folder is for the results coming further below.
1. Open BDInfo and look for the folder containing the Bluray or, if it is a disc, the corresponding letter of the drive it's inserted in.

You can see which mpls in the PLAYLIST PLAYLIST contains the movie.
2. Open tsMuxer and press the ADD button, choosing that mpls file, in our case 00003.mpls.

Identify the subtitle you want to replace. Press the Remove button in order to delete it.
3. Add, again with the ADD button, the .srt file you have prepared on your hard drive.

With the UP button take it on to the 10th position, initially occupied by the subtitle deleted at the second step.
Select RON ( Romanian ) from the language menu. ( You can do it for your native language )
4. Now do the following settings:


Don't make any changes in the "Custom chapters list", as that information is taken directly from the mpls. At the "First MPLS file" choose 3, since we have 00003.mpls, the playlist containing the movie. If we had 00100.mpls containing the movie, we would have chosen 100. At "First M2TS file" choose 3, as well, following the same idea. Uncheck "Add blank playlist for cropped video" as it has no use. It's no problem should you forget it checked, it doesn't bother with anything.
Split & Cut:
Leave everything as it is.
Press "Font" and choose the following settings:
Press OK and you'll get the result in the screenshot above.
5. Select "Blu-ray disk" as Output and choose the folder where you want to have the remuxed version. That is X:\Workspace\Remuxed. X is the letter of the partition where you do the work.
6. Press "Start muxing" and wait. It should take a pretty long time, depending on your computer's preformance.
7. After tsMuxer finishes the work, stop it and open the "Remuxed" folder. Now, we will replace the files in the original folder with the modified ones. Before doing that, create a BACKUP folder, where you should save the files that you will replace in the Original folder. Go to the X:\Workspace\Remuxed\BDMV\STREAM folder and CUT the 00003.m2ts. Go to the X:\Workspace\Original\BDMV\STREAM folder and PASTE that file here. Press OK for replacing and wait for it to copy.
8. Go to X:\Workspace\Remuxed\BDMV\CLIPINF and CUT the 00003.clpi file. Go to X:\Workspace\Original\BDMV\CLIPINF and PASTE this file here. Press OK for replacement.
9. Open your "Original" folder in BDEdit. Go to PLAYLIST Tab and find the main movie mpls. After you find it, do the following:
If a Blu-Ray has 2 mpls for the main movie, do the same for both of
them. For discs to work with TMT 5 you have to copy the IN_OUT Times and
chapters from the mpls created with tsmuxer in the one you edit with
Additional information for the BDs with the movie split in several m2ts files: The same method applies for them as well. Write in tsMuxer the number of the playlist and, then, the number of the first m2ts contained. For these discs you will have to skip step 9 and copy the remuxed mpls in your "Original" folder. Go to X:\Workspace\Remuxed\BDMV\PLAYLIST and CUT the 00003.mpls file ( example ). Go to X:\Workspace\Original\BDMV\PLAYLIST and PASTE this file here. Press OK for replacement.
10. After finishing steps 1-9, copy the file bluray.bat in the folder "Original", next to BDMV and CERTIFICATE. Play it and wait to finish. After it's done its work (complete the disc files in order to have a proper iso file) delete it from the "Original" folder.
11. Open ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 Platinum and drag and drop the "Original" folder. TMT reads from folder, PowerDVD 9 does not, that is why you must use TMT in order to ensure that everything is functional: the menu, the chapters, the subtitle.
12. After you make sure everything is all right, open ImgBurn and follow these steps:
12a) Choose to make ISO from files and folders.

12b) From the folder "Original", drag and drop the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders and make the following settings in ImgBurn:

After the iso file is done, load it in Daemon Tools or in the Virtual Drive you prefer and test it once again with TMT and PowerDVD 9. Someone told me it also runs perfectly on PowerDVD 8. But keep the software up to date.
1. Some discs have 2 video tracks. Like this:
One 1080p, which is the movie, and one 480p, which is a bonus, or part
of an extra. Should this be the case, to succesfully insert the subtitle
and for the movie to run, with the UP button, move the video track from
the second position to the first position and it will run correctly. DO
2. Some discs have the video split across multiple *.m2ts files. This discs are containing the Rated and Unrated version, or some extra titles. When you come across one of them, DO NOT USE tsMuxer directly, because tsMuxer does not handle well seamless branched discs. First demux the streams with CLOWN BD ( it's a pretty intuitive program ) and then feed them into tsMuxer. You'll find the demuxed streams in "eac3to output" folder. For chapters, copy the text from chapters.txt that results after demuxing with CLOWN BD, only the time values. Like this:
The rest remains exactly the same. Be sure to insert the streams in the correct order.
3. Sometimes, with discs that are having the video split across multiple *.m2ts, you will find out that some of your streams are duplicated after the remux. This is not a problem. Feed the *.mpls from the "Remuxed" folder in tsMuxer, remove the duplicated entries and start muxing again. The same settings as before apply here too. Just don't set the "Subtitles" tab again. It's redundant, as now the subtitles are already in the stream.
4. It's a problem on certain blu-ray discs. tsMuxer isn't reading correctly the playlist and the chapters get screwed up, as well as the end time of the movie. The fix for this is to open the original BD in BDEdit, go to Playlist TAB, choose the movie playlist and then click save chapters. This will save a list of chapters, the correct list and you paste it in tsmuxer, in Custom Chapters List.
After prolonged tests, I've developed a method for series discs too.
Let's say that we have a series blu-ray disc with 3 episodes.
1. In the "Remuxed" folder we will make 3 new folders, "Episode 1", "Episode 2", "Episode 3".
2. We follow the 1-6 steps from the tutorial above. We will do these operations for all 3 episodes. In most cases, the structure is this: 1 big mpls that contains all 3 episodes and 1 or two mpls files for each individual episode. WE WILL NOT INSERT THE BIG MPLS IN TSMUXER. NEVER ! You will see with BDInfo which playlists are containig the individual episodes.
3. After tsMuxer finishes and we have all 3 episodes edited in our "Remuxed" folder, we will replace the m2ts + clpi files from the "Original" folder with the ones from "Episode 1", "Episode 2", "Episode 3" folders.
4. Open your "Original" folder in BDEdit and edit the IN time for the individual episodes playlist + the big mpls that contains all episodes. You can see these playlists number in BDInfo:

Edit the IN time as in the picture below for all of them ( individual episodes playlists and the big mpls containing all episodes )

Some discs will have in the big mpls some extra credits, like this:
They are depicted with blue. For those DO NOT edit the IN time. Edit the IN time only for the episodes.
The same method applies for discs containing both Theatrical and Extended versions. The same steps, only that you'll repeat them for 20+ m2ts files.
Enjoy and I'll wait for feedback from you. Should something not succeed from your first attempt, don't give up. The guide will be completed as new editing methods appear. In some cases, not all the extras can be kept. This method was made by me, after testing several BDs, with various structures. If you have something useful to add, feel free to do so. There are many variables to a blu-ray disc. Recently I've had one where I had to modify a *.xml file in order to run the movie to the end and select the correct playlist for all the regions. There are so many variables, that any input from you is extremely useful. Thank you very much.
Necessary software and codecs:
Before installing these codecs, uninstall all codecs that you may have installed on your computer.
ffdshow + haali
For Windows 7 users: Preferred Filter Tweaker for Windows 7 - it's free and straight forward
Always take the latest version.
1. tsMuxer GUI - free
2. ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 Platinum or PowerDVD 9 - not free
3. BDInfo - free
4. Bluray.bat - free It's a file that will make the BD structure compatible for creating the .iso file, so the file can be played with PowerDVD.
5. ImgBurn - free
6. Clown BD - free ( Only for BD's with video split across multiple *.m2ts files )
7. BDEdit - free
Choose a partition with at least 100 GB free. Create a folder called "Workspace". In this folder, create other two folders, called "Original" and "Remuxed". In the folder called "Original" copy the original disc, the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders. The "Remuxed" folder is for the results coming further below.
1. Open BDInfo and look for the folder containing the Bluray or, if it is a disc, the corresponding letter of the drive it's inserted in.
You can see which mpls in the PLAYLIST PLAYLIST contains the movie.
2. Open tsMuxer and press the ADD button, choosing that mpls file, in our case 00003.mpls.
Identify the subtitle you want to replace. Press the Remove button in order to delete it.
3. Add, again with the ADD button, the .srt file you have prepared on your hard drive.
With the UP button take it on to the 10th position, initially occupied by the subtitle deleted at the second step.
Select RON ( Romanian ) from the language menu. ( You can do it for your native language )
4. Now do the following settings:
Don't make any changes in the "Custom chapters list", as that information is taken directly from the mpls. At the "First MPLS file" choose 3, since we have 00003.mpls, the playlist containing the movie. If we had 00100.mpls containing the movie, we would have chosen 100. At "First M2TS file" choose 3, as well, following the same idea. Uncheck "Add blank playlist for cropped video" as it has no use. It's no problem should you forget it checked, it doesn't bother with anything.
Split & Cut:
Leave everything as it is.
Press "Font" and choose the following settings:
5. Select "Blu-ray disk" as Output and choose the folder where you want to have the remuxed version. That is X:\Workspace\Remuxed. X is the letter of the partition where you do the work.
6. Press "Start muxing" and wait. It should take a pretty long time, depending on your computer's preformance.
7. After tsMuxer finishes the work, stop it and open the "Remuxed" folder. Now, we will replace the files in the original folder with the modified ones. Before doing that, create a BACKUP folder, where you should save the files that you will replace in the Original folder. Go to the X:\Workspace\Remuxed\BDMV\STREAM folder and CUT the 00003.m2ts. Go to the X:\Workspace\Original\BDMV\STREAM folder and PASTE that file here. Press OK for replacing and wait for it to copy.
8. Go to X:\Workspace\Remuxed\BDMV\CLIPINF and CUT the 00003.clpi file. Go to X:\Workspace\Original\BDMV\CLIPINF and PASTE this file here. Press OK for replacement.
9. Open your "Original" folder in BDEdit. Go to PLAYLIST Tab and find the main movie mpls. After you find it, do the following:
Additional information for the BDs with the movie split in several m2ts files: The same method applies for them as well. Write in tsMuxer the number of the playlist and, then, the number of the first m2ts contained. For these discs you will have to skip step 9 and copy the remuxed mpls in your "Original" folder. Go to X:\Workspace\Remuxed\BDMV\PLAYLIST and CUT the 00003.mpls file ( example ). Go to X:\Workspace\Original\BDMV\PLAYLIST and PASTE this file here. Press OK for replacement.
10. After finishing steps 1-9, copy the file bluray.bat in the folder "Original", next to BDMV and CERTIFICATE. Play it and wait to finish. After it's done its work (complete the disc files in order to have a proper iso file) delete it from the "Original" folder.
11. Open ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 Platinum and drag and drop the "Original" folder. TMT reads from folder, PowerDVD 9 does not, that is why you must use TMT in order to ensure that everything is functional: the menu, the chapters, the subtitle.
12. After you make sure everything is all right, open ImgBurn and follow these steps:
12a) Choose to make ISO from files and folders.
12b) From the folder "Original", drag and drop the BDMV and CERTIFICATE folders and make the following settings in ImgBurn:
After the iso file is done, load it in Daemon Tools or in the Virtual Drive you prefer and test it once again with TMT and PowerDVD 9. Someone told me it also runs perfectly on PowerDVD 8. But keep the software up to date.
1. Some discs have 2 video tracks. Like this:
2. Some discs have the video split across multiple *.m2ts files. This discs are containing the Rated and Unrated version, or some extra titles. When you come across one of them, DO NOT USE tsMuxer directly, because tsMuxer does not handle well seamless branched discs. First demux the streams with CLOWN BD ( it's a pretty intuitive program ) and then feed them into tsMuxer. You'll find the demuxed streams in "eac3to output" folder. For chapters, copy the text from chapters.txt that results after demuxing with CLOWN BD, only the time values. Like this:
3. Sometimes, with discs that are having the video split across multiple *.m2ts, you will find out that some of your streams are duplicated after the remux. This is not a problem. Feed the *.mpls from the "Remuxed" folder in tsMuxer, remove the duplicated entries and start muxing again. The same settings as before apply here too. Just don't set the "Subtitles" tab again. It's redundant, as now the subtitles are already in the stream.
4. It's a problem on certain blu-ray discs. tsMuxer isn't reading correctly the playlist and the chapters get screwed up, as well as the end time of the movie. The fix for this is to open the original BD in BDEdit, go to Playlist TAB, choose the movie playlist and then click save chapters. This will save a list of chapters, the correct list and you paste it in tsmuxer, in Custom Chapters List.
After prolonged tests, I've developed a method for series discs too.
Let's say that we have a series blu-ray disc with 3 episodes.
1. In the "Remuxed" folder we will make 3 new folders, "Episode 1", "Episode 2", "Episode 3".
2. We follow the 1-6 steps from the tutorial above. We will do these operations for all 3 episodes. In most cases, the structure is this: 1 big mpls that contains all 3 episodes and 1 or two mpls files for each individual episode. WE WILL NOT INSERT THE BIG MPLS IN TSMUXER. NEVER ! You will see with BDInfo which playlists are containig the individual episodes.
3. After tsMuxer finishes and we have all 3 episodes edited in our "Remuxed" folder, we will replace the m2ts + clpi files from the "Original" folder with the ones from "Episode 1", "Episode 2", "Episode 3" folders.
4. Open your "Original" folder in BDEdit and edit the IN time for the individual episodes playlist + the big mpls that contains all episodes. You can see these playlists number in BDInfo:
Edit the IN time as in the picture below for all of them ( individual episodes playlists and the big mpls containing all episodes )
Some discs will have in the big mpls some extra credits, like this:
The same method applies for discs containing both Theatrical and Extended versions. The same steps, only that you'll repeat them for 20+ m2ts files.
Enjoy and I'll wait for feedback from you. Should something not succeed from your first attempt, don't give up. The guide will be completed as new editing methods appear. In some cases, not all the extras can be kept. This method was made by me, after testing several BDs, with various structures. If you have something useful to add, feel free to do so. There are many variables to a blu-ray disc. Recently I've had one where I had to modify a *.xml file in order to run the movie to the end and select the correct playlist for all the regions. There are so many variables, that any input from you is extremely useful. Thank you very much.